Action taken against the cryptocurrency lending platform Nexo

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On Monday, eight states declared they will sue the cryptocurrency lending platform Nexo Group.

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State regulators in California, Kentucky, New York, Maryland, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Washington and Vermont

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Nexo provided interest-earning accounts to customers without first designating them as securities and making the necessary disclosures.

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In the documents, Nexo is also accused of deceiving investors by claiming to be a regulated and registered platform.

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According to Nexo's terms and conditions, the corporation has "sole and full discretion" to use customer assets.

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According to the Vermont ruling, more than 93,318 Americans had put more than $800 million into these accounts as of July 31, 2022.

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The Attorney General of New York sued the cryptocurrency site after discovering that more than 10,000 of its citizens were impacted.

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