Blockchain is undermining big tech companies and cloud providers, especially when it comes to the Internet of Things.
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For decades, banks and insurance firms used a mostly stable but highly profitable and centralized business model.
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Also for decades, big tech firms like Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and Google have monopolized user data for their own profit.
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However, blockchain projects could significantly challenge Big Tech's grip on user data.
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In 2015, the future of money was at the forefront of the minds of financial experts at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
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There, he began to pay serious attention to the challenges presented by the rise of bitcoin. btcticker down $16,670 Digital assets and fintech
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The world of finance began to realize that new technologies were changing everything from savings to trade to payments and cross-border and peer-to-peer transactions.
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Then came the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) renaissance in the summer of 2020.
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After few years of seeing phenomenal growth in this new concept
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The machine economy began to take center stage and raised concerns about who should own the world's new greatest commodity, data.
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