Busan city drops global crypto exchanges from its digital exchange plans



One of the most important exchange partners for Busan city was FTX, however after its recent bankruptcy, the administration decided against bringing in further cryptocurrency exchanges.

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The blockchain capital of South Korea, Busan, has ditched the majority of its global centralised exchange partners but has made progress toward establishing a local cryptocurrency exchange.

Floral Separator

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The extreme action was taken in response to the recent catastrophic failure of controlled exchanges.

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The city announced a steering committee consisting of 18 local blockchain experts, but none of the five exchanges agreed earlier this year to help the city set up its first official digital asset exchange.

Floral Separator

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The five exchanges included Binance, Crypto.com, Gate.io, Huobi Global and FTX.

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The steering committee is a municipal advisory group entrusted with offering suggestions on the setup and management of the digital asset exchange as well as improving the system of external collaboration.

Floral Separator

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In the wake of FTX's collapse, it was evident that the city of Busan may be planning to exclude international cryptocurrency exchanges.

Floral Separator

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The city government had second thoughts about including such private exchanges in their plans, but they were convinced that they could advance their blockchain objectives without outside help.

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Busan City received official recognition as a regulatory-free zone for blockchain technologies in July 2019.

Floral Separator

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The city intends to use a number of blockchain applications in public safety, logistics, tourism, and finance.

Floral Separator

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